DhillonverseBeyond Duality -A Poetic PilgrimageIn the realm where wisdom’s rivers flow, Sri Guru Granth Sahib’s teachings glow. A treasure trove of truths profound, A guiding light…Nov 12, 20232Nov 12, 20232
DhillonverseThe Eternal Chant ‘Ik Onkar’In the silence of the soul, a sacred sound, “Ik Onkar” speaks, the Creator is found. A timeless hymn, a universal call, To the One…Nov 10, 202310Nov 10, 202310
DhillonverseOne Breath’s OdysseyIn the journey of the soul, we find our quest, Exploring life’s essence, in every breath, we’re blessed. If the length of life is but a…Nov 6, 2023110Nov 6, 2023110
DhillonverseDivine Design: Trusting the JourneyIn the tapestry of life, we find our way, Guided by the hand of God, day by day. Why fret about the past or what’s to come, When in the…Nov 5, 2023213Nov 5, 2023213